Change confname when already taken

If the confname of the file we want to add already exists (for a
different abspath of course), we add a numeric extension to it. Same
thing if the confname is the metafile name.
Lertsenem 2016-06-03 03:34:54 +02:00
parent 20566a3c89
commit e6c4dcbdbc
1 changed files with 37 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -51,26 +51,6 @@ def run(args, persoconf, logger):
if args.conf is None:
# Check that the conf file we are saving exists
if args.confname:
confname = args.confname
confname = args.conf
# We need to remove trailing '/' because 'os.path.basename("toto/")'
# returns ''. And that's not cool.
while confname[-1] == os.path.sep :
confname = confname[:-1] # Remove trailing slashes
confname = os.path.basename(confname)
# Remove leading dots, so the name under which the conffile is saved is
# not hidden.
while confname[0] == ".":
confname = confname[1:] # Remove leading dots
confpath = appdir + "/" + confname
# Load app META file
appmeta = Metafile( json_path = os.path.join( appdir ,
@ -107,6 +87,43 @@ def run(args, persoconf, logger):
% (absconf, dstdic[absconf], )
# Check that the conf file we are saving exists
if args.confname:
confname = args.confname
confname = args.conf
# We need to remove trailing '/' because 'os.path.basename("toto/")'
# returns ''. And that's not cool.
while confname[-1] == os.path.sep :
confname = confname[:-1] # Remove trailing slashes
confname = os.path.basename(confname)
# Remove leading dots, so the name under which the conffile is saved is
# not hidden.
while confname[0] == ".":
confname = confname[1:] # Remove leading dots
# Check the conf file name
if ( confname == persoconf.metafile
or confname in appmeta.files ): "Confname '%s' is already taken: trying another one"
% confname )
ending = 1
while ( confname + "." + str(ending) == persoconf.metafile
or confname + "." + str(ending) in appmeta.files ):
ending += 1
confname = confname + "." + str(ending) "New confname is '%s'" % confname )
# Deduce the path from the conf file name
confpath = appdir + "/" + confname
# Copy the file (or directory)
if utils.copy_file_or_directory( logger ,
path_dst=confpath ,